
17 December 2010

Indoor Environment and Air Quality

We all spend so much time indoors and breathing 'house air' that we should consider what's in that air.

Very often, the fittings, furnishings and other items we buy are giving off chemicals as their 'newness' wears off. Ever wondered what that 'new smell' actually was? Could be formaldehyde or VOCs (volatile organic compounds)! Other common sources of poor air include dust, poorly serviced aircons and heaters.

What we've done
  • Our own gas heater (see Energy - Natural Gas) recirculates house air. The return duct (from house to heater) had no filter and was thik in 15 years of dust.
    • We placed the duct because cleaning wasn't feasible.
    • We also installed an air filter. You would not believe how much it collected in the first month.
  • We use garden and bio-friendly cleaning products around the home, so less chemicals make their way into  the air or into our water ways.
    • We also use bio-friendly products (wherever possible) in the garden - but that's another story.
  • We bought low emissions paint when we renovated the bathrooms.
  • We used a vacuum with a HEPA filter for a few years. That reduced house based dust. Then installed a ducted (external vacuum) since the pipes were already fitted in the house. That then took the vacuuming related heat and noise outside too.
  • We ducted the exhaust from the clothes drier outside too, to take away the damp air. I MUST stress that we rarely use this drier . . .
  • Fitted extraction fans in the bathroom to remove steam during showers.


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